Syrian Automobile Club
Who We Are
The Tourism Club of Syria and Lebanon was founded in 1919, it was the first of a kind in the Middle East region. Then, in 1950, the Syrian Automobile Club was established in Damascus with an initiative from the first office members. The Syrian Automobile Club joined the FIA in 1960, and became an official representative of the FIA in Syria.
Since then, the Syrian Automobile Club exports many documents that facilitates vehicles movement between countries, which include – but not limited to – the international driving licenses, CPD, which are verified documents worldwide due to the Syrian Automobile Club’s membership in the FIA.
The Syrian Automobile Club has a rich history in motorsports events. Starting with the Syria-Lebanon rally, as well as organising the passing of London to CapeTown rally in 1998, in addition to organising the Syrian International Rally as part of the Middle East Rally Championship from 2001 until 2010.
After an experimental challenge of Speed Test racing in 2002, a full Speed Test and Hill Climb Championship was launched the following year which was held until the Club’s events were suspended in 2011. The Syrian Automobile Club then resumed, its activities with the Syrian Speed Test Championship from 2015.
The Syrian Automobile Club successfully launched the Syrian Drift Championship in 2016, implementing international stewarding and judging standards and organising races which challenge the competitors’ skills.
These events were not limited to competitive events only. With the Syrian Automobile Club organising the “Discover Syria” rally between 2003 and 2010, which was a widely popular and well received event as it visited the most famous tourist attractions in Syria with national, regional, and international participation in the event.
The Syrian Automobile Club has a high reputation worldwide. In 2017, it received the “Golden Club” status by the FIA, as FIA president Jean Todt expressed his appreciation of the Syrian Automobile Club’s standards in its training programmes and the approach that it follows.
In 2018, the Syrian Automobile Club became one of seven Clubs worldwide to be given the Environmental Accreditation by the FIA.

Code of Conduct for the officials, volunteers, competitors in
The Syrian Automobile club
As officials, volunteers, competitors in the Syrian Automobile Club and representatives during the races and abroad, we consider them personally and collectively to Support and promote the highest possible standards of ethical and professional behavior and professional.
Therefore, everyone should refrain at all times and circumstances from any actions which may be considered misconduct and act counter.
Integrity and commitment and sports ethics
The club supports its reputation in work during national and international events and reputation on the performance of the officials, volunteers, competitors and their actions.
The club expects from the officials, volunteers, competitors to abide by the following:
- Carry out all their duties and functions during races with high professionalism and sportsmanship ethic.
- Maintain a high level of interaction between all the officials, volunteers, competitors in all their relationships within the club and during the races moral level practical and ethical level during races.
- Optimal use of resources who bear the responsibility.
- Maintaining the efficiency of the work of all the club’s property and equipment used by the officials, volunteers, and competitors during races.
- Not to misuse the club’s logo or the official name of the club (written or drawings) for Personal unrelated purposes.
- Represent the club positively at all times in all places.
Misconduct and misbehavior
refrain all officials, volunteers, competitors from any actions which may be considered in the misconduct or conduct counter.
Report violations
if any member of the officials, volunteers, competitors show that there is any doubt or suspicion regarding the violation of the Code of Conduct, He/she should report these doubts and suspicions through reporting recognized reporting lines. As for
If this was considered inappropriate, it should Report directly to the Syrian Automobile Club board of Directors.
This document will automatically form part of all the work and volunteering contracts and considered as part of the Syrian Automobile Club membership.
Anti-Discrimination Policy of the Syrian Automobile club
The management of the Syrian Automobile Club is committed to providing a work environment in which all individuals (officials, volunteers, competitors and audience) are treated with respect, dignity and sportsmanship ethics.
Discrimination maybe relate to any form of gender, religion, and ethnic or believes
Harassments and discrimination will not be tolerated from any person in the workplace (offices, circuits and fields). Every one of the officials, volunteers, competitors must be dedicated to preventing workplace harassment.
Officials, volunteers, competitors are expected to uphold this policy, and will be held accountable by the SAC Management and under Syrian law courts.
This policy is not intended to limit or constrain the reasonable exercise of management functions in the workplace as some work functions would generally not be considered as harassments or Discriminations.
Officials, volunteers, competitors are encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination via reporting recognized reporting lines. As for If this was considered inappropriate, it should Report directly to the Syrian Automobile Club’s Board of Directors.
Management will investigate and deal with all concerns, complaints, or incidents of harassment or Discriminations in a fair and timely manner with highly Respect for privacy.
Nothing in this policy prevents or discourages anyone from making a complaint within one year of the last alleged incident neither the right to exercise any other legal avenues that may be available.
Syrian Automobile Club Volunteer Policy
Policy Statement
The “Syrian Automobile Club” is committed to providing a professional and efficient service in supporting volunteerism in Westmeath.We recognize that in order to achieve our goals we need to involve volunteers in our own work too. It is also essential that we present a model of good practice in volunteer management.
We regard volunteers as a valuable resource and encourage them to get involved at all levels of the organization and within all appropriate activities. We aim to train, support and supervise our volunteers to the best of our abilities, and to act quickly and fairly if difficulties arise.
Procedural Guidelines
1. General principles (Back to top)
1.1 Purpose of document
The purpose of this internal document is to provide guidance on all aspects of volunteering at the “Syrian Automobile Club”. It does not constitute a binding contract. It supplements other “Syrian Automobile Club” policies and procedures, as well as our definition of volunteering, our mission statement and our value base.
These procedures apply to all non-elected volunteers who undertake tasks on behalf and at the direction of the “Syrian Automobile Club”.
1.2 Responsibility
The “Syrian Automobile Club”. Manager is responsible for ensuring that the policy and the procedures in this document are implemented efficiently and effectively. All other staff and volunteers (including voluntary management committee members) are expected to facilitate this process.
1.3 Eligibility
The “Syrian Automobile Club” will consider involving anyone as a volunteer. Individuals must, however, be able to demonstrate a commitment to the aims of the organization and may only be placed if their needs as volunteers match the needs of the organization. No person who has a conflict of interest with any aspect of the organization will be accepted as a volunteer. Voluntary management committee members may not undertake other voluntary work within the “Syrian Automobile Club” itself, but will be encouraged and supported by the “Syrian Automobile Club” if they wish to volunteer elsewhere.1.4 Relationship with paid staff (Where applicable)
Volunteers are appointed to enhance the capacity of paid staff, not as a substitute for them. Conversely, the “Syrian Automobile Club” does not accept the services of its paid staff as volunteers. Clear roles are established to differentiate between paid staff and volunteers to foster mutually beneficial and complementary relationships.
1.5 Working conditions
Volunteers are treated as full members of the “Syrian Automobile Club” team. They are treated as equally and fairly as paid staff and are included in the organizations, functions and decision-making processes wherever practical. Volunteers are provided with appropriate work sites and have access to the space, equipment and facilities necessary to volunteer effectively and comfortably.
1.6 Working times
Working times are negotiated between the “Syrian Automobile Club” Manager and the volunteer and are as flexible as the tasks allow. Voluntary time commitment is never expected to match that of full-time paid staff, but unscheduled absences can create organizational problems. When expecting to be absent, volunteers should inform their supervisor as soon as possible, so that alternative arrangements can be made.
1.7 Appropriate behavior
Volunteers are expected to work within the policies and procedures of the “Syrian Automobile Club” and adhere to its ethos. As representatives of the organization, they are responsible for presenting a positive image of the “Syrian Automobile Club” to the outside world.
1.8 Representation of the “Syrian Automobile Club”.
Volunteers must seek prior approval from the “Syrian Automobile Club” Manager before undertaking anything that might affect the organization. This includes, but is not limited to, statements to the press, joint initiatives with other bodies, and agreements involving contractual or financial obligations.
1.9 Confidentiality
The “Syrian Automobile Club” respects the volunteer’s right to privacy and confidentiality. In turn, volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all privileged information to which they are exposed while volunteering with the “Syrian Automobile Club”.
1.10 Records
A system of records is maintained on all volunteers, including dates and times of service, duties performed, evaluation of work, etc.
1.11 Service at the discretion of the “Syrian Automobile Club”.
Any voluntary service is at the discretion of the “Syrian Automobile Club”. The “Syrian Automobile Club” may, at any time, and for whatever reason, decide to terminate volunteer’s relationships with the organization. Similarly, volunteers may at any time, and for whatever reason, decide to terminate their relationships with the “Syrian Automobile Club”. Notice of such decisions should be communicated at the earliest opportunity, preferably in writing.
2. Recruitment
2.1 Role descriptions and person specifications
Like paid staff, volunteers require a clear and accurate description of the tasks and responsibilities they are expected to undertake. Prior to any volunteer assignment or recruitment effort, a role description must be developed for each voluntary opportunity. This must include a title of the volunteering role, starting and finishing dates, hours and place of work, name of supervisor and tasks to be undertaken. If appropriate, a brief person specification may also be drawn up. The role description may be amended in joint agreement with the volunteer and the “Your Group” Manager. A copy of the final version must be given to the volunteer before commencing voluntary work, as it will be used in supervision and evaluation sessions. Role descriptions must define a time limit (no longer than one year) for voluntary involvement, after which time they are reviewed, and updated if appropriate.
3. Training
3.1 Induction
All volunteers receive induction when they begin voluntary work with the “Syrian Automobile Club”. This consists of a general introduction to the organization, as well as a specific orientation on the purposes and requirements of their volunteering role.
3.2 On-the-job training
Volunteers receive initial and ongoing on-the-job training to provide them with the information and skills necessary to perform their tasks well. The training must be appropriate for the demands of the position and the capabilities of the volunteer.
4. Support and recognition
4.1 Support
The “Syrian Automobile Club” endeavors to provide the support necessary to encourage and empower volunteers to make a meaningful contribution and gain significant benefits from their voluntary work. Support forms part of the regular supervision sessions and gives volunteers a safe setting in which to express themselves, let off steam and discuss how they feel about volunteering.
4.2 Recognition
Volunteers provide a unique service to the “Syrian Automobile Club”, the benefits of which are difficult to quantify. It is essential that their efforts are recognized and rewarded. “Syrian Automobile Club” staff is responsible for thanking all volunteers informally on a regular basis for the valuable contribution that they make to the organization.
4.3 Expenses
Volunteers give their time and skills free of charge, so it is essential that the “Syrian Automobile Club” offers to reimburse any out-of-pocket expenses they may incur in the course of undertaking voluntary work for the organization. The costs of volunteering should never be allowed to discourage those on low incomes.
4.4 Insurance
Insurance is provided by the “Syrian Automobile Club” to cover all volunteers working on behalf and at the direction of the organization.
Risk management policy of The Syrian Automobile club
About risk management
Risk management is multi actions taken by all members of the Syrian Automobile Club to reduce potential legal liability. It seeks to address potential risks before they occur. It aims to be pro-active rather than reactive – creating a safer environment and legally safer operational procedures.
How to manage risk
All officials, volunteers and competitors members of the Syrian Automobile Club are involved in every step of the risk management process.
The “risk manager” is responsible for the risk management process and the regular training courses for all members part of events. Also he identifies a team (key people) who will be involved in managing, analyzing and evaluating risks.
Design a risk elimination and reduction plan and courses, the training plan must involve first aid, firefighting and evacuation.
Awareness plan for spectators must be ready and spread to all event members in case of emergencies.
Medical and extrication teams must be recognized in all times during the events.
The risk management policy must be adopted and implemented by the board of Directors.
This document will automatically form part of all the work and volunteering contracts and considered as part of the Syrian Automobile Club membership.